A Promise for the Near Future

Last weekend, I boldly proclaimed that this would be the week I started blogging again. This post is a small offering to that person to say "I remember making that bold proclamation, and, despite my procrastination thus far, I still intend to start blogging again."

I'll include this little anecdote from my day to spice this baby up a bit.

Today was a day of shopping. A long day of shopping. A long day of shopping in which I did not make any purchases. This is clearly problematic. Instead, I helped Ryan pick a new phone (a Blackberry, pff) and some small game shot (because I know so much about shooting birds). On the drive home, Ryan asked if I could "fish around for a beer" for him while he made a fire in the wood stove. He then spouted off this little gem, which he proudly told me he'd just come up with:

"Have you ever gone fishing for beer? It's the best kind of fishing; you always catch a buzz."

He thinks he's very funny. After chuckling to himself, he told me I should "tweet that." So welcome back to my life, readers. I'll be talking to you again very soon!


The Blonde Fury said...

Best episode of River Monsters ever?

Anonymous said...

One: Fucking awesome!
Two: A long day of shopping....leading to no purchases for one self.... blows! Make him buy you something next time! Hahha
Three: I'm excited to read what comes next!

Plus we might have to tell him one day....He's not that funny! lol

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