I don’t think I can do this school thing anymore. And I love school. But after fifteen and a half years the novelty is finally starting to wear off. If I have to sit through one more student-made PowerPoint presentation I’m going to try to rip out all my hair.
Congratulations, Post-Secondary Education.
You’re On Notice.
People are always saying, “You’ll wish you were in school once you have to start working all the time,” or, “Why would you want to rush into the ‘real world’ when you’re in university?” Blah blah blah. How about because at least then I’ll be doing something, living, instead of writing academic essays?!
A girl friend who doesn’t share my opinion said that “we’ll never have as much free time as we do now.” I disagree. Most of the ‘free time’ I have now is because I’m not doing my homework.
Instead of learning things anymore, I’m being taught the same things by different people. The overlapping of content in courses is disgusting. And every semester I take at least one class that sounds boring as fuck -- but sounds really useful -- that ends up being a colossal waste of time.
The only classes I enjoy attending anymore are the ones on random topics that, while very interesting, probably won’t get me anywhere in the ‘real world.’ For example: Watching Music on the Small Screen: Popular Music on TV; From Bram to Buffy: The Vampire in TV, Print ad Film; Crash: Landscape, Culture and the Legacy of the Automobile… The list goes on. The only two electives that have proven their worth are Arts & Entertainment Journalism and Creative Non-Fiction Writing.
I’m pretty sure I just keep writing the same essay over and over but through different topics. Some essays topics include: the Jesus complex and technological rebirth in R.U.R and The Matrix; why The Wizard of Oz is a preemptive containment text; labyrinths and the questionable futility of death (particularly suicide) in Voices of Time and The Shining; the perpetuation of female stereotypes in music and failed authenticity in Girlicious…
I’m going to make next year as easy as possible. This is no longer about kill count; it’s about finishing the mission.
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago
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