I'm watching Revenge of the Sith on TV.
That conversation between Padme and Anakin is just golden:
Padme: Anakin, all I want is your love.
Anakin: Love won't save you, Padme! Only my new powers can do that!
Padme:...Stop now, I love you!
Anakin: Liar! You brought him here to kill me! Tries to strangle her with the infamous Force Grip.
And let's not forget Yoda's out of control sentence rearranging and the incredibly emotional speech Obi-Wan gives about his love for Anakin after he slices off Anakin's legs and leaves him engulfed in flames. Oh, there are far too many lines to list.
But the epic lines don't end there.
Has anyone seen trailers for the new V-Day movie My Bloody Valentine 3D?
Because nothing says "date movie" like a 3D ride to Hell.
I'm just falling in love with film all over again.
Some Dude Gets His Legs Cut Off in Star Wars?!! Thats Freaky.
Amputation is one of my biggest fears.
Yeah man, the no legs and the body on fire are why Anakin gets put into the Vader get up. Have you not seen Episode III? It's glorious!
I don't know which episodes I've seen, They don't make them in chronological Order so It confuses Me!!! Has That dude who invented Star Wars...Has he completed all the movies yet? Cuz I should watch them all in order if he's done yet.
Ok, whoa. Hold the phone. You have some serious Star Wars research to do, sir. Some serious research.
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