Viva la Gamer

I'm taking a Contemporary Grammar writing course this semester. I know, sounds riveting, right? We've been ever so slowly getting into the real business of it, but today's lecture left me intrigued, and fighting to suppress laughter.

We were talking about lexical rules and how as native English speakers we often know when a sentence is wrong but can't always articulate why (hence learning grammar). For example, some verbs are stative, meaning they don't describe a process but simply a state (like to be). These verbs cannot be used in the structure be + present participle (like is walking). Of course, an example was provided.

Here is the incorrect sentence:
Sue is owning a BMW.
The "correct" sentence is: 
Sue owns a BMW.

Which leads me to today's lesson:

Gamer's are taking English to the next level because there is a context in which that sentence is grammatically correct.

In the event of a woman vs. car confrontation, it would be correct to say that "Sue is owning a BMW" if she's beating the shit out of a Beemer. The car doesn't need to belong to her. It could belong to anyone. All that matters is that she is owning that noob of a car.


Anonymous said...

Lol. "All that matters is that she is owning that noob of a car."

I Like to make up My Own Grammars.. It's funner, then the ordinary way.

But it's important to always keep the true fundamentals of grammars in the back of one's mind in order to seem somewhat educationed.

kayla said...

You're kind of ridiculous...but I still see your point.

That class actually sounds kind Seriously.

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