Most people would probably think that it's stupid to build a library that looks like a concrete cave from the inside, but I take odd comfort in the gray, industrial walls and ceilings of the D.B Weldon Library. I love sitting on the main floor in the "comfy chairs" near the concrete pillars and looking up at the vast concrete waffle ceiling. I think it would be great fun to sit in one of those waffle sections if the ceiling was a wall or even a floor. Industrialism makes me feel studious. Elated. Invincible. The all-business no-bullshit attitude of concrete structures makes me retaliate with creativity, with words to soften those unforgiving surfaces. Just think of all the ideas that have pooled in the waffle, just waiting to be explored.
Extra whipped cream, please.
I know that exact area you speak of! Great spot. So are those long tables; although you have to be careful in that area, I often get in trouble by the "circulation desk" people for snacking while studying. Jerks.
Oh man, my roommate and I got yelled at by an old lady for eating a muffin once. But when we're upstairs we bring candy, sandwiches, Chinese food...
Some dude was in "my spot" today and I was pissssed, haha.
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